Download Mind Unwind
Mind Unwind is the only Anxiety management app that has been designed for young people by young people. Alongside breathing and meditation exercises, the app features a revolutionary panic button that will bring up your favourite songs, images and contacts for when things get tough.
Why Mind Unwind?
An estimated 14% of people in Australia’s schools suffer from Anxiety, yet when we tried to find an anxiety management app for young people we couldn’t. That’s when we decided to build one ourselves.
Mind Unwind was designed and developed through a co-design process with local students. The students were able to provide vital insights into the coping strategies they used when things got tough, including listening to their favourite songs, watching funny videos and contacting their loved ones.
We’ve incorporated all of these into our app, and made them accessible at the push of the big red panic button that’s always visible in our app. The app also features a mood tracker, games and breathing, mindfulness and meditation exercises.

Mood Tracking
Check in daily to track your mood over time, helping to identify key triggers for stress and anxiety.
Calming Exercises
Learn how to manage and take control of stressful situations.
Mind Unwind allows you to quickly upload your favourite songs, images and contacts.
Guided Breathing
Take time to unwind with our guided breathing exercises.
Panic Button
Bring up your favourite contacts, songs and images instantly with the revolutionary panic button.
100% Free
Mind Unwind is free to use by everyone. No in-app purchases and no creepy data tracking ever.
Mind Unwind is available for free on the App store or Google Play Store. Should you have any questions about our App, please get in touch with us using the form below.